Saturday, November 21, 2009

抱怨教育的故事 Examples of Complaining Education



Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Robert. One day he fell ill, so he had to take some medicine. After he finished drinking the medicine, the phone rang. He ran to the hall to pick up the call, but he left the medicine un-capped, leaving it on the table. After he finished talking to the phone, he saw his brother playing with the medicine, poured all over the floor. Robert's father scolded him, he said: " You empty-headed boy, how can you be so forgetful? I think your brain had become rubbish!"

This is one of the examples of Complaining Education. The father wanted Robert's brain to work, but he kept complaining that his brain is already useless.

考试要来临了,小明在房间里自修。突然,妈妈进来了。她开始责骂小明为什么那么容易的科目要读那么久,小明没有回答。妈妈说:“再给你十分钟的时间,你就必须把整篇课文的内容都说出来,答不出一题,就打一次!”十分钟很快就过了,但小明还没完全了解课文的内容。妈妈用手把书本一抢,就开始发问问题了。小明好多道题都答不出,被妈妈又骂又打了许多次。结果妈妈生气起来,把小明最喜爱的漫画书给撕烂了,就丢进垃圾桶里,说:“你就是每天只会看漫画,连书都读不进。我看你啊, 别去学校了啦!你也别做人了啦!气死我了!!”小明在一旁发抖,眼泪开始流了,他是多么喜爱那本漫画书啊!“哭什么啊?你再哭,我就打断你的腿!”小明立刻停止哭泣,但心里是多么的伤心害怕,多么的恨这位妈妈,觉得他自己已经没用了,有一点想自杀的念头。。。


The exam was approaching, Robert was doing his revision in his room. His mom came in and started to scold Robert for revising a easy subject for such long hours. She said to him: " I'll give you ten more minutes to revise. Then I'm going to ask you questions on this chapter. One question can't answer, I whip you one time." After ten minutes, his mom snatched the book from his hands and started to ask questions. But Robert can only answer 1 question out of 10, his mom scolded and whipped him with a broom. At last his mom couldn't control her anger and teared Robert's favourite book into pieces and threw it into the dustbin. She shouted at Robert: " This book is making you useless! Don't go to school anymore! You are only wasting my time and money! I'm very disappointed with you!" At that time, poor Robert was shaking with fear and started to sob. His mom then added: "Why are you crying? I'll cut your legs if you cry!" Robert stopped crying immediately, and his face was calm. But actually he felt like bursting into tears, how he hated his family, and how he wanted to commit suicide...

The reason that Robert couldn't study well was not about his book, but it's his family who kept complaining him, blamed him, scolded him... Complaining education is when parents don't even step one foot ahead to see what had really happened, but their children was being blamed.





Poor results: Scolded, Punished, Beaten
Mistakes: Scolded, Punished
Bad behaviour: Scolded, Worst child!....
Results doesn't mean the world to us. Poor results will surely happen to us every time. Scolding and punishing children with poor results, can only made their results even poorer. The more parents scold, the worse their results will be. But how about it when parents encourage them, console them? Only these can give children energy and confidence to themselves, they will try their best and have better and better results next time!
Who hasn't made a mistake on Earth before? Why parents always say: " Stupid child! Empty-headed child! Useless! The worst child in the world!"? Those good children will change to bad ones if parents continue to do this to them. But if parents choose to appreciate them, children will realise their mistakes and will try to turn over a new leaf.
Why all of us should learn Appreciation Education? Then children will grow up happily in a world of love, and soon the Sunflower Will Bloom! So parents, do you want your children to live happily and grow up happily?
Throw away the Complaining Education and start educating your children using the way that parents once used when children were young and learning how to talk and walk. That is called APPRECIATION EDUCATION

Thursday, November 12, 2009

给老师们的话 Teaching Teachers To Appreciate


Thank you for our class teachers who had been teaching us for 11 months this year. But I think some of you should learn how to appreciate yoursleves and your families. And of course, students too. This post is mainly for teachers, but it also helps in parents.







First let me list out the ways teachers treat/punish their students when they make mistakes:

1. Stand outside the classroom

2. Copy sentences 20 times+

3. Scold

4. Being beaten seriously

Sorry, maybe I said it too rough. But I must tell all teachers that: If you want your students to get good marks, or you want them to have a good attitude, SCOLDING & BEATING is NO USE. I know what teachers feel when their students are naughty. But in Appreciation Education, students are always gentle and soft.


Punishing students as if you are breaking their hearts. Will they respect you? Will they like you?Will they be a good student in your eyes? Will they set up a good relationship with you? I don't think so....


1。 成绩方面

2。 品行方面

3。 其他

Appreciating students from the following ways:

1. In Studies

2. In Attitude

3. Others

一, 成绩方面


多 说 关 怀 的 话, 少 说 伤 人 的 话

1. In Studies

What will you teachers do when students scored high in exams. Good Good Good all the way home, some even bought sweets and chocolates for those students... But... how about those who got poor marks? Scold larh... I am always very curious, why those students cannot be appreciated? Teachers, whenever some students did not score well, just walk towards them, pat them on the shoulder, and say gently:"Never mind, you've tried all your best right? Let's start again next year, ok? I believe you can score well next time. Let me ask you, Failure we--- Cry or Smile?" If that student was me, I would be so touched that I will cry. Teacher says I can do it, so I really can do it!! When a student's eyes start to shine, courageness is tagging along behind him...

二, 品 行 方 面
2. In Attitude

All teachers will have surely met students who are very weak in their behaviour. Whenever a student plays pranks in class or does anything bad, teachers should not directly scold them. This will only make them even naughtier. A teacher should console and advise him in a gentle way, not hurting his feelings. First a teacher should ask him(gently):" Why you are so unhappy today? Can you tell me what happened? I can help you." The student will then know that the teacher is caring about him, and he will tell the teacher what happened. Then the teacher should talk or explain to him and help him to overcome the problem. If the student does the same thing but much better next time, teachers should praise him in front of the class. The more the teacher praises and appreciates him, the better the student will be.



3. Others

This includes Corruriculum, Helping and lots.... Teachers are so important to students because they have to give students happiness, then everyone in the school will also be happy. Appreciate Students, Teachers! :-)

Monday, November 9, 2009

伤感 A Depressed Mood


过了一会儿,爸爸从客厅走到饭厅。正当我要对他说:" 谢谢”时,谁料到,他突然骂出几句:“ 你吃那么多干嘛?我还没吃呢?你看 ,你看,鸡肉就留那么少!你不觉得很过分吗?” 我那时的嘴顿 时闭起来了,心里觉得好象没必要感谢他,没那个心情说出来了。。。

A few days ago, while I was eating dinner. I thought of saying "Thanks" to Dad for cooking delicious meals for us so many years. So I waited for the opportunity to come.

It did came, when Dad was walking to the kitchen and passing by the dining room. I had not even said the letter "T" as he pointed out and started to complain: " Why are you eating so much? I haven't have my dinner yet! You count yourself how many chicken wings you had ate! Don't you think that you're too selfish?" After I heard this sentence, my mouth couldn't talk! In my heart, I don't think it's worth to thank him... Besides, I don't have the mood to thank him...


Sometimes when I want to help my parents, they will always scold or ask me to go away... I don't have the mood and courage to help them because of their bahaviour. I felt very disappointed, very depressed, it's just like the feeling that you want to care for them but you don't dare to... Which is equal to the feeling that you want to appreciate them but you don't dare to...


But I always think of my parents positively....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

一个正在学习赏识教育的爸爸 Learning Appreciation Education Father


Yesterday Principal Tsen invited a father, together with his son, Max Chai. They chatted about appreciation education for quite some time, then I found out that the way this father treated his son is completely different than mine.


Max's father accepts hugs from his children. Sometimes he will pat his children on the shoulder, caressing them... In my heart I wished that how happy I am if I can give my father a hug and a kiss without being rejected. Max's father always believe in him nd always think he is the best. Although Max is weak in his studies, his parents keep encouraging him, consoling him, appreciating him and never tease at him.

这位爸爸以前对他的孩子是很严格的,什么事情都一定要父母来处理。但这位爸爸发现有时候真的有急事,所以让孩子管理事情时,孩子都会管理得很好。 所以现在有什么事情都会拜托孩子,把什么事情都交给孩子处理。

Last time, Max's father was always strict to his children, every problem only the parents can solve. But this father found out that sometimes when he really had to hand over some problems to his children, they can solve then very well and fast. And because of that, his parents always gave work for them to do.



Max told his father that he did not want tuition, anyway tuition did not help him in his studies. His father thought for a long time, he hesitated that should he return the time to his children, that way only children can have the responsibility to study independantly.

Finally,I want to say to my father:" Daddy, when I am depressed or I did not score well, please don't laugh at me.... Just give a hug, then I will be very thankful to have a father like you."

Friday, November 6, 2009

赏识教育初学者面对的困扰 Difficulties~ Appreciation Education Beginners


A long time ago, all of us grew up in the environment of Complaining Education. Appreciation Education is a new friend to us, some of us are eliminating it.


During learning how to appreciate, we will surely face some problems and difficulties. As we are being polluted by Complaining Education, if we want to clear it, we should have enough bravery, full determination and excellent knowledge.

1. 勇气-排毒过程需要无比的勇气,因为我们会不断碰见抱怨教育的忠实支持者。

2. 毅力-排毒过程反反复复需要无比的毅力,因为反反复复我们又会投入抱怨教育的怀抱。由量变到质变也是要有耐心的。

3. 智慧-排毒过程需要无比的智慧,因为我们要练好一双火眼金睛,才不会误入抱怨教育的陷阱。不要像猪八戒那样被外表所迷惑;要学孙悟空火眼金睛透过现象看本质。

1. Bravery- During detoxification process, we must have undefined wisdom and a lot of courage, because from time to time we will meet supporters of Complaining Education.

2. Determination- During detoxification process, we must have undefined determination and patience, because we will start complaining again repeatedly.

3. Knowledge & Wisdom- During detoxification process, we must be trained to have piercing eyes, this is done so that we will not be trapped by Complaining Education.



Everytime when children make mistakes, parents should always believe that their child are always the best.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

赏识的一个晚上 The Night of Appreciation

这件事发生在今年11月4日的晚上,还记得姑姑和曾校长带我去看电影。那时候已经9时了,爸爸突然打电话阻止我看电影。那使我慌张了起来,一直在想怎么用赏识的话去说服父母。看见了父母,我又是可怜的模样,不断地说好话给他们,还哭了出来。但最后还是被逼回家。远远望着姑姑他们往戏院里走,听着姑姑不断地说:“好心情”,心里还是很怨恨父母。但是抵达了家的时候, 我突然想起了赏识教育。我对自己说:“可能他们这么做是为我好吧!”准备睡觉时,妈妈进来我的房间,她说:“骏,妈妈不是不给你去,是妈妈太想你了!我一整天没见到你,妈妈很难过的。”接着,她就给我了一个拥抱,顿时才知道妈妈原来是那么爱我,那么担心我的!那天晚上,我发了短讯给姑姑,感谢他们让我和妈妈相处得那么好。也想和妈妈说:“妈,恭喜你!你进步了!以前我哭时,你会骂我。现在你会给我温暖了!加油哦!”

One night, auntie brought me to the cinema. It's very late, around 9pm. When Dad called me that I could not watch the movie. I was nervous how to persuade my parents. Although how much I talked good things, I started to cry, they still did not let me go. I hate my parents very much at that time until I reached home, I thought of Appreciation Education, I whispered:" They do this because it's for my good. " At home, I was preparing to sleep when Mom came to my room. She said: "Don't you miss me? I miss you a lot so I didn't allow you to see the movie. You can go again next time, right?" I replied if I didn't miss her then I won't call her today. Then she gave me a big hug. I had the feeling of warmth and being loved. I wished her Good Night after that. I just wanted to tell her that:" Mummy, you're improving in your Appreciation education! Keep it up!"


Start appreciating your parents if you want them to appreciate you! :-)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

什么是赏识教育?What is Appreciation Education?


Appreciation education educates children in the way when they start to walk and talk. At first, every parent has the key of appreciation. When children started to learn walking, from one time to another, they keep falling. At the same time parents keep encouraging and praising them. But unfortunately when children grow up, most of the parents lost the key of appreciation. Then, they started to scold them, punish them.... and these will hurt their feelings. After some time, they will be the same as their parents too.


Appreciation education enables and respects failure. In appreciation education, failure is happiness, everyone should enjoy failure. When one succeed, parents must appreciate them; when one failed, parents should appreciate them more. Whereas complaining education does not allow children to fail. When they fail, parents punish them. I can't have a proper answer, why parents don't let their children fail? "Failure is the mother of success."


How appriecation education educates children in the proper way? Appreciation education maximizes children shining points 10 times bigger, and minimizes weak points 10 times smaller. When children do well, parents encourage them; when children didn't do well, parents encourage them more. When children are wrong, parents explain to them gently and thoroughly. They still believe that their children are the best. Appreciation education respects children's behaviour. Appreciation education solves root problems. Parents do not treat their children badly because they did not do well. They keep encouraging them to do well next time. Only this way will let children know that parents love them a lot.


Appreciation education is not only a way to educate people around the globe, its also increases people's harmony and relationship between each other. Appreciation education can not only be used between teachers and students, it is also suitable for couples, brothers and sisters, friends and more.... remember:

Sow a complain, reap a failure。
Sow an appreciation, reap a success.


以下有2个老师,都是同学们觉得比较难沟通的老师。这些老师都已经尽了力教导我们,但是我觉得他们还有足够的进步空间。 The 2 teachers below are those who are more difficult to communicate with. These te...